Questions and Ghost Stories
Hauntings ghosts to feel the presence of that which is no longer there what if that which is no longer there has never been there at least not in our lifetime the children of the coalfields are haunted by a past they were not born into they were not born into a decline or a death they were born into a haunting
Think of James think of ‘the strange and sinister embroidered on the very type of the normal and the easy” so not a literal haunting perhaps but the strange the strange that which is difficult to understand or explain history history is strange history cannot easily be explained to our young people the sinister not so much that something might happen but that something has happened something violent something frightening it seeps into the stones maybe into people’s clothes becomes embroidered into that very type of normal and the easy sinister of course in heraldic terms also means the left hand side or towards the left politics politics of the left former coalfield constituencies nearly all vote Labour something which continues which is not fully understood haunted by the sinister by the political leanings of the left
Think of James think of Turn of the Screw no first think of Geoff Bright at an event think of a mother who was involved in the strike telling her story now think of a son my age maybe younger talking of the strike as though he lived it but he didn’t in popular culture hauntings and horror generally affect the young because nothing scares us more than loss of innocence think of James again now think of Turn of the Screw of a Governess who comes in (the academic) of a story of something that might have happened a story that has clearly somehow affected the children the Governess is meant to look after think of something which disrupted the social fabric of the house haunting the kids think of the Governess (the academic) unsure of what this is think of the end of Turn of the Screw think of young Miles trying to see the ghost think of the Governess shielding him think of Miles dead at the end think of the ghost gone is it better to live and be haunted or to die and not look at the ghosts to confront or hide to shield or show maybe these are some questions for this project
Andrew McMillan