Underdrift Rochdale

Here’s an extract from Danny’s Rochdale piece. Danny says: “ I took a slightly different approach as originally planned, as there wasn’t chance to construct an installation which directly engaged through sensors with people/noise/movement in the museum space. Instead I took inspiration from the ‘uncovering’ going on in Rochdale town when I visited (the old river I think) as well as in the Ghost Labs. There were also some very interesting sounds behind the conversations you captured Max (almost machine like, with what sounded to me like tills/sales ringing away in the background…) so the piece involved some spectral and rhythmic analysis of those too.”

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Social HauntingComment

I came across this organisation that does some really interesting work that seems closely related to our project. They organise community workshops, mostly in South America, where participants produce shared story maps to illustrate struggles in their communities. They’re in Spanish, but here’s an example of a map created by members of the 15M movement in Spain that should make some sense even if you can’t read the text:

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Connected Communities 2016 EOI

Hi all, here’s a 6 minute package to support Geoff’s bid for the Utopia and Community Futures’ events. Think it gives a flavour of the project, in particular the poetry and comic sessions, though please excuse my bunged up nose!

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Max MundayComment
Japan-Ghosts (Live on Old Grey Whistle Test 1982)

A friend brought this video to my attention after I told her about Social Haunting. It is rather terrific. I love the line “Just when I think I’m winning, when I’ve broken every door, the ghosts of my life blow out of their before.” Also, given the theme of my 100 word story that I just posted in ‘After Manchester’ will you allow me to find it uncanny that the singer refers to daylight leaving his room, that it is raining everywhere, leaving him no particular place to go?!  

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After Manchester

So, ghosts from our people’s unresolved pasts linger in our present. Do they curb our horizons or spur us toward the margins wherein and where from our utopias can be dreamed and acted on again?

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Deep Mapping

At Avery Gordon’s seminar during the question time at the end, Geoff was describing all the different methods we were using in order to identify social haunting and get at the utopian margins. He seemed to be struggling to sum it all up in a pithy way. But if we had mobilised a similar range of methods in exploration of landscape or place, as people have often done, then we might describe it as a deep map.

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Toby PillattComment
Thoughts on a Journey to Barnsley...

Sometimes you can’t help but reveal a seam. The surface breaks up, just enough, and it becomes obvious – sitting there just below, behind and in front. Maybe you knew it was there, maybe you had been digging for it for a long time, missing, or thinking you caught a glimpse but just finding dust. Perhaps you thought you were looking right at it, but it was, in fact, obscured. Or maybe you’d forgotten, presumed it had been exhausted, thought you’d escaped it.

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Social HauntingComment
Comics Forum

I  had a fantastic time at Comics Forum conference in Leeds on Friday - met some lovely and incredibly talented people and had some fascinating discussions about our project.

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Dr. Sarah McNicolComment
Barnsley Comics Lab

Our Barnsley group finished the project with a comics workshop led by Jim Medway. They explored how to use comics to express a range of ideas from physical divisions within their communities to their own experiences of transitioning between different communities.

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Rochdale Literature & Ideas festival

Yesterday, we were at Rochdale Literature & Ideas Festival. Andrew ran another poetry Ghost Lab and comics artist Jim Medway ran the first comics Ghost Lab of the project. We were hosted by the Rochdale Pioneers Museum (thanks to Clare and the rest of the the team!).

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Ghost Lab Examples

Here are some examples of what was created by participants in the Ghost Lab. Once again, we were all incredibly excited to witness how poetry can expose social ghosts that would otherwise remain hidden.

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Ghost Lab Co-Op

This week, we moved over to the Lancashire side of the project and held our ghost lab at the Co-op College in Manchester.Andrew McMillan ran another fantastic writing workshop. He got the group doing three activities:

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